domingo, 9 de diciembre de 2012


The lonely flower
Living near the burning road
Holding on to die

Through the wide ocean
Dolphins jump and laugh till night
Steeds of the sea

miércoles, 28 de noviembre de 2012

Activities to work reading

Pre-reading activities:

1) Children have to answer the following questions; they have to work in groups. Of this form, they can dialogue:

-What is the meaning of mice and mouse?
-What is pigmy mouse like?
-What do you think jumping mouse can do?
-How do you think that is the house mouse´s house?
-What is the meaning of harvest?
-What is a dormouse?

2) We give our students some pictures of each mouse, they should join each pictures with the name of the mouse. Then, when they read the text, we check if they have done well the activity. They have to work in groups.

3) Students have to guess if the following sentences are true or false. They have to work in groups.

-Pygmy mouse makes itself up every morning.
-Jumping mouse lives in the sea.
-House mouse can only live in chalets.
-Harvest mouse lives in the country.
-House mouse takes a cup of tea every afternoon.
-The Romans liked to eat dormice.
-Small dormice are six centimetres long and weigh fifteen grams.
- House mouse can eat soap and glue and electricity cables.
-Jumping mice sleep for six to nine months in the year.
-Pygmy mouse lives for one year.

After reading activities

1) Children have to answer the following questions:

-What is the smallest mouse?
-What is the length of pygmy mouse´s tail?
-How many metres can jumping mouse jump?
-How many months dormouse sleeps every year?
-What does jumping mouse eat?
-What kind of mouse lives with people?
-What kind of mouse eats electricity cables?

2) Students have to fill the gaps doing, if it would be necessary, scanning lecture to find certain information that they need.

-The pygmy mouse is ___  _______ mouse.
- It lives every_____ in the _____ except Antarctica.
- The jumping mouse has long ____ feet.
- Jumping _____ sleep for six to nine _____ in the year.
- The house mouse lives with ______.
- The harvest mouse ____ climb very _____.
- The _____ liked to eat dormice.
-They sleep for seven months _____ year.

3) Work in groups: we divide the students in five groups of five students, and we give each group a certain mouse, they have to draw and colour being aware the different features of the mice.

martes, 27 de noviembre de 2012

Activity to work writing in class


                   is         a woman
                   are      women

                               a close          window
There         is
                               an open         door

                  are                              at the window
She                          watching
They           is                                 at the door

She            are                               a stripped dress
They          is                                   a spotted pajama

"La muchacha en la ventana" Salvador Dalí

àThen the students have to invent and write a story about the activity the girl can do after this moment.

viernes, 26 de octubre de 2012


Horizontal: get, go, take, put, cut, come, give and fall.
Vertical: away, up, out, on, in, down.


1. Draw two ships on your map making sure nobody sees where you have put your ships. You may put your ships inside any square where there is sea; the part white on the map, the other one (black) is land. Your ships must not cross a line into another square.

2. Work in pairs. The object of the game is to guess where the other player has put the ships and bomb them.

3. To do this, decide which square to bomb and make a phrasal verb joining the two words that you think it´s possible to form it.

4. If the square that you bomb contains a ship, the other player must say hit. If the square that you bomb is next to a square with a ship in it (including diagonally), the other player must say near.

5. Players take turns to bomb each other´s ships and the first person to hit both of the other player´s ships is the winner.

6. A player whose ship is being bombed may challenge the other player to spell the phrasal verb that he or she saying; if the other player is unable to spell the word, he or she misses a turn.

martes, 16 de octubre de 2012

An activity to work the topic of a song

Song “I´ve been waiting”

Firstly we will listen again the song, and then I will propose my children the next activity: they will have to put in groups of four and they will have to dramatise the topic of the song. They will have to do a drama related with the topic of the song. I will give them some clothes to wear properly in relation with the song story.

This activity is designed to upper courses of Primary school. 

viernes, 12 de octubre de 2012

Listening activity


Rose: What´s up Greg?
Greg: Hi Rose! I´m here drinking a peppermint with my other head…
Rose: I was with Rocky, but now he´s reading the news…I don´t understand him; if you want to read, don´t come here.
In another place…
Sarah: I love my margarita with a cigarette.
Peter: You know Rose that smoking is not healthy. Yesterday I was at the aliens-doctor and he told me that our legs are very weak…and if you smoke, it´s worst.

Before listening activities:

1. Where do you think that aliens are?
2. What are they talking about?

While listening activities:

3. How many aliens are speaking?
4. Pick up the words that you listen.

After listening activities:

5. What do you think about aliens have spoken?
6. What are they?
7. We give us some pictures of the aliens and they have to guess what alien is each picture.

domingo, 7 de octubre de 2012


Prediction activities
1) What are they doing in this picture? We use this activity to introduce the order of the song. We want to contextualize the song.
2) Following, we discuss in class about which actions we can do.

Listening activity
3) Children have to listen the song and put the picture in the correct order.

4) The teacher chooses some students, and these have to do some of these actions. Then another classmate has to say which action is and we introduce the correct pronoun and tense.
5) In this activity children have to invent different actions as the song. We want that they represent the action moreover they say it. Then, we add it to the song.